Descripción: Descripción: Pedagogía y Sociedad



Fecha de presentación: 23-11-2019 Fecha de aceptación: 4-5-2020 Fecha de publicación: 6-7-2020



Enmanuel González-Pérez¹, Yennys Hernández-Ulloa², Aimé María Mencía-Pentón³

¹Máster en Ciencias de la Educación, Profesor Asistente, Departamento Lenguas Extranjeras, Universidad de Sancti Spíritus “José Martí Pérez”, Cuba. Correos: . ORCID ID:  2Máster en Ciencias de la Comunicación, Profesor Auxiliar, Departamento Lenguas Extranjeras, Universidad de Sancti Spíritus “José Martí Pérez”, Cuba. Correos:  ORCID ID: . 3Máster en Ciencias de la Educación, Profesor Auxiliar, Departamento Lenguas Extranjeras, Universidad de Sancti Spíritus “José Martí Pérez”, Cuba. Correo: . ORCID ID:


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González Pérez E., Hernández Ulloa, Y.  Mencía Pentón, A. M. (julio-octubre, 2020). Perspectiva didáctica para integrar las habilidades lingüísticas en francés al emplear un sistema de actividades. Pedagogía y Sociedad, 23 (58), 281-304. Disponible en



Introduction: The use of information and communication technologies constitutes a scientific and didactic challenge in the integrated practice lessons of French as a foreign language at Universidad de Sancti Spíritus (UNISS) "José Martí Pérez”. These lessons are based on a communicative approach as a scientific method in order to develop the linguistic abilities. However, teachers have some difficulties for their integration because they cannot promote it by using suitable modern strategies according the students’ needs and characteristics.

Objective: To evaluate the integration of the linguistic abilities in French as a foreign language by using a system of communicative-integrating activities based on Collaboration, Autonomy, Variety and Artifacts (CAVA Framework).

Methods: the survey, the interview and the pedagogical observation.

Results: the design of a system of communicative-integrating activities based on the CAVA Framework and the elaboration of procedures and indicators to evaluate it.

Conclusion: The didactic articulation of the CAVA Framework with the proposed system of activities constituted a novelty for Cuban higher education to achieve meaningful learning and to favor the integration of the communicative abilities.

Keywords: CAVA Framework; communicative abilities; communicative-integrating activities; ICT; integrating perspective.



Introducción: El uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones constituye un reto científico y didáctico para las clases de práctica integral de francés, como lengua extranjera en la Universidad de Sancti Spíritus “José Martí Pérez”, en las que se emplea el enfoque comunicativo como método científico para favorecer el desarrollo de las habilidades lingüísticas. Sin embargo, la integración de estas se dificulta pues los profesores no logran promoverla a través de estrategias modernas adecuadas a las necesidades y características de los estudiantes.

Objetivo: Evaluar la integración de las habilidades lingüísticas en francés como lengua extranjera a partir del empleo de un sistema de actividades comunicativo-integradoras basadas en la Colaboración, la Autonomía, la Variedad y las Aplicaciones (Marco CAVA).

Métodos: la encuesta, la entrevista y la observación pedagógica.

Resultados: el diseño de un sistema de actividades comunicativo-integradoras sustentado en el marco CAVA y la elaboración de procedimientos e indicadores para su evaluación.

Conclusiones: La articulación didáctica del marco CAVA con el sistema de actividades propuesto constituyó una novedad en la educación superior cubana para alcanzar un aprendizaje significativo y favorecer la integración de las habilidades lingüísticas.

Palabras clave: actividades comunicativo-integradoras; didáctica; habilidades lingüísticas; lengua francesa



orldwide, the teaching process is focused on the lesson as its main form of organization. That is why, the lesson is the way through which knowledge is mostly transmitted and also subjects are cultivated in order to achieve their comprehensive formation. According to Morales-Ruiz (2011), the Cuban Ministry of Education (Mined by its Spanish acronym) defined, from a general point of view, what a good lesson is in 2000 in the Circular 1. The criteria composing this definition were the projection of the objectives taking into account the students’ near-by reality, the proper approach for the ideological and political formation according to the principles of the Cuban Revolution and, the planning, the orientation, the carrying out and the evaluation of the students’ independent study. Moreover, in 2004, one more criterion related to the efficient use of television, video and informatics as teaching aids in the teaching and learning process was included to the definition.

Therefore, according to the proposal established by Mined in 2000 and 2004 as cited by Morales-Ruiz (2011), if a teacher followed these criteria when planning and teaching a lesson, the process would be most favorable and adequate to fulfill the objectives and satisfy the necessities the students have. But, in a more specific context: that of a foreign language, González Cancio (2009) defined the lesson as the external organizational form of the teaching and learning process that – having a creative, dynamic, systematic, and interactive character – conceives, plans, leads and helps the teacher to develop the students’ communicative competence. In this process, the students have the main roles because they systematically practice the language based on contexts related to their near-by reality as part of their personal experience.

Within the curriculum of the major Bachelor of Education, Foreign Languages Specialty, the lessons of the studied foreign languages – for the present research, French – should have an integrated practice character. Therefore, when applying these definitions to the lessons of French in the above-mentioned specialty, they may be categorized as good when they become the starting point from which students develop the necessary communicative competences to help them in their future lives as teachers of the society. Consequently, this allows the students to take control of their own capacities as individuals within a group and to establish higher levels for the development of their linguistic abilities in order to accomplish those required for each academic year by permitting the teacher to guide their learning in other knowledge areas related to their professional profile.

Defined by the teachers of the Foreign Language Department at UNISS “José Martí Pérez”, the integrated practice in a lesson of a foreign language is carrying to the classroom the required elements to help the students learn properly by making it fun for them. The way in which all these elements are dealt with has some influence on the development of the basic linguistic abilities: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Thus, the teaching and learning process develops more dynamically and the students can improve their competences by using new approaches that suit their individual and group interests such as the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). Nevertheless, some tendencies that have been inherited from previous methodologies propose that the abilities should be treated individually or grouped according to the communicative objectives to fulfill: listening linked to speaking and reading to writing.

Even when the propositions of the previous methodologies are a lot easier for some teachers, the current teaching and learning process of foreign languages demands that the four abilities should be developed in a balanced way as established by the Council of Europe (2001, 2018) in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment (CEFR). That is why, a diagnosis was carried out in the lessons of French as a foreign language and the main problem identified was that, in not many of them, the integration of the four linguistic abilities was achieved in order to enhance the level of the development acquired by the students. Also, teachers could not find more suitable modern strategies taking into account the students’ needs and characteristics as a group or as individuals.

For the situation previously set, the objective established for the present research is to evaluate the integration of the linguistic abilities in French as a foreign language by using a system of communicative-integrating activities based on the CAVA Framework.


The teachers of French as a foreign language should master a standard language that allows them to properly develop their students’ linguistic abilities in order to make them capable of fulfilling certain linguistic elements. Such elements are required to achieve the communicative goals within a situation by making use of the communicative competence they are supposed to develop not only as social beings but also as foreign language teachers-to-be. In this way, having developed these abilities in the students with an integrating approach in the foreign language is part of the formative process and, thus, one of the most important goals to achieve in the teaching and learning process.

The group of teachers that works with the different subjects belonging to the Discipline Integrated French Practice at UNISS “José Martí Pérez” recognizes and establishes the necessity of the integration of the linguistic abilities within the lessons of a foreign language. Therefore, in the two last academic years of the university studies, as the students have mastered the language properly, they should only strengthen the professional abilities to teach their own students during the on-the-job-training practice they carry out in different schools of the territory and also once they graduate.

While integrating the abilities, some teachers disagree regarding the procedures to deal with certain aspects such as grammar, the strategies used to communicate according to the context in which communication develops, the lexicon to learn, and the phonetic and phonological features that differentiate or make both the foreign language and the mother tongue alike. This disagreement is caused because some teachers do not see how useful a written text could be at a time to teach some pronunciation or phonetic features or to make an oral presentation that fulfills its essential requisites.

This has happened because, in the first case, students find much easier to, for example, listen to a recording and develop strategies to improve their own pronunciation or their speaking abilities by repeating and imitating. On the other hand, reading is mostly seen as a procedure to learn aspects such as a given amount of words related to one topic, the spelling of certain words and the grammar structures that help produce a text related to important personal and professional aspects.

Despite dividing the four abilities is a more convenient process for teachers to teach and students to learn, it is certain that both the comprehension and the production of a language do not develop as separate units. That is why, for developing the necessary competences appropriately, a student needs to master the receptive and productive abilities in the oral repertory as well as in the written one.

Regarding this topic, Nunan (1989) determines that, in order to work with the integration of the four abilities, the teacher should design teaching materials and study modules that favor this integration in a varied way. Moreover, in 2001, this same author adds that the first step to achieve the established goal is to identify the contexts and situations in which the students may need to carry out a general communicative process. For these reasons, it is established that, in integrated teaching, the linguistic abilities are taught and practiced in relation to the students’ educational goals and not by the instructive context in which the students may interact while using each ability separately.

The pedagogical practice in the teaching and learning process of French as a foreign language has allowed the authors to agree with Hinkel (2012) when she recognized that working towards the integration of the four linguistic abilities helps to augment the developing level of the students’ competences and facilitates them the quick learning of the language by providing them also a space for individual interaction and responsibility of their own learning and not only a receptive character of what the teacher is offering them (Marcos García, 2015).

In order to achieve the proper integration of the linguistic abilities in an ICT-mediated learning context as it was established in the definition of a good lesson, the authors propose that the integration of ICT in the teaching and learning is a process that is planned, contextualized, systemic, continuous and reflexive; it is also oriented towards the transformation of the pedagogical practice taking into account the possibilities of ICT in  order to include them harmoniously to teach and learn so as to satisfy the educative objectives. (Cabrera, 2008, as quoted by Álvarez Álvarez, Hernández Rabell, Cabrera Ramos and Herrero Tunis, 2013).

In relation to the foreign language teaching and learning process, ICT have been characterized as authentic resources because teachers and students have access to an infinity of authentic documents such as videos, journal articles, and others (Kandeel, 2014) and because they help the users to develop new competences (El Abboud, 2015). Kromidha and Toro (2015) say that the inclusion of ICT is most beneficiating because they assist in the realization of individualized tasks during the lesson and they also transform the classroom into a contextualized environment due to the interaction and the variety of information provided.

As a result of the integration of ICT in this process, the autonomous learning increases because the studied language can be used authentically and the communication among people becomes easier and quicker, which is one the most important aspects and one of the mostly pursued objectives while teaching and learning a foreign language. Thus, from a teaching point of view, Bertin (2001) both authors quoted by Kromidha and Toro (2015), define ICT, respectively, as technologies at the service of teaching and as pedagogical tools that combine teaching materials and pedagogical support at the same time.

In the specific teaching and learning process context of French as a foreign language, several authors have done research about the uses of ICT and the advantages they offer for the teachers and for the students within the whole process. Surguladze and Surguladze (2013) mention some of these advantages such as the individualization of the teaching, the management of great and varied amount of information, the complex multisensory influences they have on the different channels for perception by means of texts, sounds, animation and videos and the unlimited amount of tasks that may be designed in order to achieve what is called the informatics culture and which helps the users interact properly with such resources (Puren, 2017).

Other characteristics that make these resources so useful for teaching and learning a foreign language, in the present research French, are related to the necessary special preparation of the users to work with different software applications (Bacor, 2017) and the interactivity, the adaptability, the no-lineality for presenting the information and the distinctiveness of design (González Pérez, 2019).

In relation to the role of the teachers, Kandeel (2014) expresses that the way teachers use ICT contributes to their professional development by making them familiar with the new teaching situation in different contexts for, according to Viñals and Cuenca (2016), the proposition of new methodological strategies is necessary to satisfy the quality requirements of nowadays education. Also, González Pérez, Hernández Ulloa and del Sauzal Francisco (2019) add that ICT help teachers to explore and exploit the individual and group characteristics of their students, to improve the already learned teaching strategies and acquire new ones to strengthen their role as facilitators of the university students’ autonomous and regulated learning.

Concerning students, the use of ICT respects their individual learning rhythm and motivates them by providing a favorable environment for their learning (Abdel-Ouahed, 2014; Ait Kaikai, 2014) because they become direct and indirect social interaction spaces that develop competences and permit the users of the foreign language to communicate and interact with an intercultural linguistic approach (Hernández Ulloa, González Pérez and Herrera Cruz, 2015). Besides, students are provided with a continuous exchange with the other members of the group and with the strategies to evaluate their own learning and that of the others according to every stage of the process. Therefore, if necessary, they can discover new strategies to manage their personal learning process and to acquire and develop the necessary competences to communicate correctly using the foreign language. (González Pérez, Hernández Ulloa and del Sauzal Francisco, 2019).

Taking into account the above stated purposes related to the potentialities of using ICT in the teaching and learning process in a context that is mostly mediated by such resources (Durán and Estay-Niculcar, 2016; Sandí Delgado and Cruz Alvarado, 2016; Silva, 2017; Vargas, 2019), the authors of the present research considered necessary to analyze the different strategies which are based on ICT. The selected strategy was the CAVA Framework (Kambouri, Mellar and Logan, 2009) which is a linguistic framework that focuses its development on the inclusion of ICT in the teaching and learning process of a foreign language and it is integrated by four components, which are defined as follows:


In order to design the different research instruments and techniques to develop the study, the authors took into consideration what Nunan (1989) proposed regarding the development and the integration of the linguistic abilities because they establish a didactic maxim for foreign language teachers. However, only few of them have achieved these processes due to the negative influence of external agents. Thus, this provided an integrating approach which constituted an evaluating indicator during the research, which had two main moments during the period selected for its development: the initial moment corresponded to the beginning of the first term of the academic year in September 2018 (Sept./18, for the charts) and the final moment in February 2019 (Feb./19, for the charts) at the end of the term.

Among the different techniques used during the research, the most important one was the survey applied to a sample composed of 16 fifth-year Foreign Language students at UNISS “José Martí Pérez”. Also, an in-depth interview was applied to a selection of the surveyed students. Therefore, the triangulation of the results obtained from these techniques allowed to characterize most of the students as hyperactive and socially communicative, able to maintain a conversation for a period of time and to deal with a certain number of topics related to their near-by social and professional realities and interested in increasing their knowledge and improving the development of their linguistic abilities.

In the same way, the pedagogical observation was developed in different teaching scenarios, having as a goal to deepen on other scientific indicators of the research such as the levels of interaction (student-student interaction and teacher-students interaction), the treatment to the integration of the linguistic abilities in French as a foreign language considering that the activities developed by the class had an integrating approach. These indicators allowed the students’ evaluation and teachers’ performances to favor the adequate development of the communicative process. Besides, this instrument facilitated the evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposal in accordance with two points of view: the teachers as facilitators of the teaching and learning process and among the students as participants in the process and as the doers of the activities in similar conditions from suggestions, discussions, contributions and presentations of the results of other previously-done activities.

Taking into account the scientific techniques used during the research, the authors considered necessary to use a mixed approach (Hernández Sampieri, Fernández Collado and Baptista Lucio, 2014) that began by the adequate and timely diagnosis of the group of students and their relationships with each other, their technological availability and their capacities for learning, as well as the intentional selection and the proper design of the different tasks to carry out as part of the activities inside and outside the classroom.

Other indicators considered during the research were the contents studied as part of the syllabus, the linguistic goals and the communicative functions to practice, the already-developed abilities and the ones they had to develop according to the subject syllabus, the methods and procedures to use during the process and the methodology and indicators to evaluate the students’ performance when doing the activities and how at ease they felt with them, which was a very important aspect for the design of the following activities regarding the feedback provided.


In view of the theoretical proposals of the analyzed authors regarding the use of ICT in the teaching and learning process of foreign languages and the results of previous research works carried out in the same context (González Pérez, Hernández Ulloa and del Sauzal Francisco, 2019; González Pérez, Hernández Ulloa and Cutiño Núñez, 2019) the first result was a set of procedures to plan, execute and control the outcomes of the application of the proposal.

These procedures permitted that the teachers managed the adequate inclusion of the different resources as a facilitating component of their every-day work to teach and to achieve the learning objectives defined for the students and to diminish some negative influences they may have such as the distraction and loss of concentration as said by Berenguer (2015). The procedures are:

ü Identification of the students’ technological availability: knowing what resources the students had (cellphones, laptops, or others) allowed to establish a balanced resource-student relation that favored the adequate development of the process and the systematical interaction between the students and the teacher.

ü Diagnosis of the students’ technological capacities: identifying the software the students were capable of working with was very useful to favor the exchange between those who mastered most of those software programs and those who did not know anything at all about them. So, the acquisition of new capacities was possible.

ü Determination of the ICT resources that best suited the context and the contents: according to the content and the activities to carry out, the teachers had to define whether to use slideshows, video and audio recordings or other types of files to facilitate the process by having a wide variety of resources during every lesson for the students to make use of.

ü Determination of the ICT approach to use: the characterization of the modality to work with and the goals to achieve by studying the subject, allowed the selection between b-learning or e-learning or any other adequate for the students’ characteristics and needs.

ü Determination of the way students should work: determining whether the students would have to carry out the activities individually or in groups in order to improve their abilities and technological capacities in a balanced way as well as their collaboration and their autonomy.

ü Elaboration and application of the selected ICT resources: according to the used approach to include ICT and the way students would have to work, some activities were designed or some other already-existing activities were changed to suit the characteristics of the ICT-mediated context to favor the continuous knowledge exchange of the students as the most important users of the process and the role of the teachers as its facilitators.

ü Evaluation and control of the impact of the ICT resources in the process: the teachers as mediators should have identified potentialities and deficiencies of the ICT resources used in the proposed activities and evaluated the effectiveness of the way students worked all through them. Taking into consideration the analysis of the obtained results, some new strategies were proposed to develop the work and several of the previous procedures were used once again to satisfy the deficiencies identified in the new context.

These procedures to include ICT in the teaching and learning process permitted to take advantage of their potentialities to achieve a progressive advance of the students’ performance considering their motivation towards the study and the responsibility and commitment they showed while using them to do the proposed activities. Besides, the students should have an adequate awareness of their own personal learning capacities to guarantee a meaningful evolution to higher levels.

Likewise, these procedures offered a starting point for the design of the activities proposed by the teachers in order to fully develop their students’ linguistic abilities. Such activities were intentionally introduced in different units of the subject syllabus which were related to topics dealing with education, cultural aspects of different peoples around the world, technology and the environment. These topics were a priority in the teachers’ educative and formative work with their students regarding the near-by reality. (González Pérez, Hernández Ulloa and del Sauzal Francisco, 2019). This was also evident during the topics selection to deal with during the activities, the types of activities to carry out, the procedures for the students to work and the way they presented the results obtained from their own work.

The diagnosis carried out to the 16 fifth-year Foreign Language students at UNISS “José Martí Pérez” permitted to gather the information related to their technological availability because nine had computers at home; two had access to a computer through a relative and five had access to a computer only at the school they develop their on-the-job-training practice or at the university.

Regarding the evolution of the competence the students achieved in the development of the four linguistic abilities, it is necessary to point out that, at the initial approach to the situation in September, 2018 half of the students were competent in only two or three skills and even in one, being mostly affected listening, writing and speaking. This situation hindered the students’ proper development and performance, for example, they could not distinguish between the strategies used to produce an adequate written text from the strategies used to make and give an oral presentation. However, this situation bettered up at the end of the term in February, 2019 because they could differentiate the strategies previously mentioned and acquire new ones such as the capacity for properly using the linguistic resources that help during the interactions in order to organize the ideas. The quantitative analysis of the development of the students’ competence is shown in Chart 1.

Chart 1. Analysis of the evolution of the competence in the linguistic abilities.

Source: Authors’ Elaboration,2019.

One potentiality identified in this moment was that, even when most of the students had almost none reading habits, they showed little deficiencies in the development of this ability. That is why, reading was the starting basis for the development of the proposed activities based on the CAVA Framework, which was evaluated as an independent factor in the process concerning its four components: Collaboration, Autonomy, Variety and Artifacts. These four components became evaluating indicators throughout the research because they were visible independently and collectively following the teachers’ intentions to guide the students towards the complete development of their potential and the fulfillment of the goals of the subject syllabus, what is expected to be achieved the best possible way in spite of some random limitations that might come across the learning process.

Collaboration, as the first component of the CAVA Framework, was really important during the research process: the way in which every student learned a new content and shared it with the rest of the class favored considerably the acquisition of a group of common linguistic elements. This collaborative character of the process permitted the teachers to use the foreign language to make collective definitions and explanations of a new content without the necessity of exploiting the students’ mother tongue.

An aspect to point out in this process was that the students’ work had to be interdependent. For that reason, the teacher had to design the different tasks within an activity depending one from the result of another and they should be distributed by the members of a group according to their own preferences and capacities. At the initial stage, a minor difficulty was that students did not fully understand the meaning of collaboration as mutual work and some grouped by social affinity resulting in the undoing of one of the assigned tasks since it included a specific capacity such as working with an informatics application. Thus, collaboration was analyzed considering three classifications: high, intermediate and low. In the last stage of the study, most of the students grouped according to their individual capacities and abilities because they were aware of the procedures to use in the solution of the tasks and they were interested in developing new capacities and abilities, especially those related to informatics. The quantitative results of this analysis are shown in the following chart:

Chart 2. Analysis of the evolution of the students’ collaboration

Source: Authors’ Elaboration, 2019.

The second component of the CAVA Framework, Autonomy, was analyzed based on two points of view: the first one was related to how autonomous the students were regarding the linguistic abilities, and the second was related to how autonomous the students were in the learning process of the foreign language in correspondence with some evaluating criteria.

Regarding the students’ autonomy in the four linguistic abilities, the results provided information that proved they were more autonomous in the receptive abilities. For the evaluation, teachers had to take into account whether the students used for the different activities resources such as printed or digital dictionaries for looking up unknown words without analyzing them first in context, or either supporting drafts at the moment of writing compositions or giving oral presentations, open talks and role-plays without trusting the knowledge, strategies and capacities they had already acquired and developed for achieving the communicative purpose.

At the initial stage, these strategies presented serious difficulties but, at the last there were some improvements because in oral presentations, for example, most of the drafts included only the headlines related to the significant aspects of the topic they would be dealing with. The quantitative analysis of these improvements is shown in Chart 3.

Chart 3. Analysis of the evolution of the students’ autonomy regarding the linguistic abilities

Source: Authors’ Elaboration, 2019.

In relation to how autonomous the students were in the learning process of the foreign language, this component was evident when every student was able to do the assigned tasks and, therefore, according to the establishment of several evaluating criteria for this component, teachers could determine three levels: totally autonomous, partially autonomous and minimally autonomous.

The criteria selected for determining what level of autonomy of the students were the following: the development of the assigned tasks without any help and supervision from the teachers or from the rest of the class, the influence of the mother tongue on the foreign language, how fast their tasks could be done and handed in, their disposition to look for new online information to widen and support the results of their tasks or, even, to check these results with a specialist on the topic to correct mistakes and improve the final result, and the mastering of different structures and elements belonging to the foreign language and to the cultural identities of the French-speaking countries.

According to the criteria used for evaluating the students there were some deficiencies at the initial stage of the research because most of the students did not hand in their results on time or some also needed extra-help from the teachers and as to the rest of the class, they were unable to look for more information to enrich their results or to consult these results with a specialist, hence they presented mistakes in the use of structures and elements of French due to the ignorance of the rules for using them or to the influence of Spanish, as their mother tongue. Yet, in the final stage, students had improved this aspect by diminishing the previously mentioned deficiencies. The quantitative analysis of the evolution in this component is shown as follows:

Chart 4. Analysis of the evolution of the students’ autonomy

Source: Authors’ Elaboration,2019.

Variety, as the third component of the CAVA Framework, proposed the analysis of many of the technological resources used during the teaching and learning process of French as a foreign language. Initially, some of these resources were used but there were some deficiencies as to their methodological inclusion during the process and not all of their possibilities were exploited.

Some examples of the improper exploitation of all the possibilities offered by these resources were, first, the virtual classroom for its main use in this stage was to provide the transcript of the different lectures carried out by the teacher or the bibliography to deepen on the contents proposed by the subject syllabus; next, the slideshows were very used during the lectures as visual support but not all of them were in accordance with the characteristics of an effective slideshow; and, last, the websites were downloaded and offered to the students as another source of bibliography. Although, these situations brought about some positive changes for the virtual classrooms, it included different types of activities as wikis, glossaries, exercises and tasks, for example; and, the websites were no too often downloaded but their Internet Addresses (URLs) were provided to the students so they could visit them. These changes are visible in Chart 5.

Chart 5. Analysis of the varied technological resources used

Source: Authors’ Elaboration, 2019.

Artifacts, the fourth and last component of the CAVA Framework, allowed the students to create some resources such as slideshows and recording videos and audios by which they would be evaluated later taking into account not only the correct use of the French language but the design, the elaboration and the application of these resources making use of their informatics knowledge.

At first, although they were used, the resources presented some limitations regarding their technical quality; rarely were the students asked to create them and the teachers never used them in their teaching activity after they were handed-in. In the last moment, the limitations originated from these deficiencies had been diminished in some degree, making the students be more interested and attentive during the lessons. The analysis of such transformations is shown in the following chart:

Chart 6. Analysis of the technological resources created by the students

Source: Authors’ Elaboration, 2019.

During the research process, the activities carried out with an integrating approach increased because, even when not all the activities proposed by the teachers had such approach, most of them had it in the final stage in comparison with the initial. This characteristic of the activities allowed the students to differentiate between the strategies used to make an oral activity and the others to make a written one, an aspect which influenced positively on their performance according to the communicative objectives. The evolution of this indicator is shown in the following chart:

Chart 7. Evolution of the activities carried out with an integrating approach

Source: Authors’ Elaboration, 2019.

As a general overview of the analysis of the different results obtained during the research process, it is necessary to point out the continuous and progressive advance of the students’ performance considering their motivation towards studying French as a foreign language, their responsibility and their commitment while doing the activities and the knowledge of their own learning capacities. This allowed to establish new goals and challenges for the teaching and learning process of French to achieve higher levels in the development of the students’ linguistic abilities and professional competences.


The use of ICT in the lesson of Integrated French Practice allowed the strengthening of the university students’ role as the most important component of the process and the teachers’ role as facilitators of their students’ learning and development by continuously using the acquired knowledge. Besides, these technologies favored the development of new competences in the students which will be useful for their future professional lives.

The CAVA Framework sustained the students’ autonomous and collaborative performance taking into account the varied technological resources teachers used to favor such development through the different artifacts students had to create, increasing the common knowledge of the different structures and linguistic components of French.


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