

maintenance; planification and control; transport


Introduction: in companies where the fulfillment of their mission depends on the availability of their vehicle fleet, it is essential to guarantee their correct conservation through the maintenance function.

Objective: to design a procedure that contributes to the improvement of the maintenance service for automotive transport, using the methodological tool that best suits the conditions of the Electrical Company of Villa Clara.

Methods: the main methods and tools used in the research, oriented to the maintenance function, were the following: group dynamics, document analysis, unstructured interviews and questionnaires.

Results: the main result achieved in the research is the procedure developed from the study of the methodological proposals for decision-making regarding the definition of actions aimed at improving the performance of the maintenance function found in the literature, according to the conditions of the company under study.

Conclusions: the most important contributions obtained through the practical application of the proposal are the following: the definition of the battery of indicators that allow measuring the actions of the vehicle fleet maintenance area; the identification of the problems that are holding back the achievement of the desired performance in maintenance, and the definition of actions aimed at eradicating the limitations found and thereby contributing to the improvement of this function and the company in general.


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Author Biographies

Sandra González-Hernández, Empresa Eléctrica de Villa Clara. Santa Clara, Cuba.

Ingeniera Industrial. Maestrante en Ingeniería Industrial en la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Empresa Eléctrica de Villa Clara, Departamento Económico, Santa Clara, Cuba.

Aramis Alfonso-Llanes, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Santa Clara, Cuba.

Doctor en Ciencias Técnicas. Profesor Titular. Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica e Industrial, Santa Clara, Cuba.


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How to Cite

González-Hernández, S. ., & Alfonso-Llanes, A. (2022). CONTRIBUTION TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE TRANSPORT MAINTENANCE SERVICE AT EMPRESA ELÉCTRICA OF VILLA CLARA: Array. Márgenes, 10(2), 53–69. Retrieved from



Artículos de Investigación Original