Life cycle analysis; rice production, environmental impact assessment.Abstract
Rice production in Cuba is highly dependent on the consumption of diesel and electrical energy. It is also a high generator of waste with energy potential. The objective of this work is to evaluate the environmental impact of various energy alternatives on the rice drying process in the UEB "Tamarindo" (Agroindustrial Grain Company Sur del Jíbaro) of the municipality of La Sierpe, SS province, using waste from the productions rice and pork available in the unit. For this, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology was used through the ReCiPe environmental impact assessment method with damage categories (CD) at the endpoint and at the midpoint where a more detailed analysis was carried out on 18 impact categories (CI) in characterization and standardization studies. A sensitivity analysis was carried out evaluating variations in the variable of greatest uncertainty. The results of the study showed a significant decrease in the environmental impact with the complete substitution of drying diesel and electricity from the national grid for energy generated from rice husks. The most notable detrimental impacts were found in marine ecotoxicity, freshwater ecotoxicity, water consumption, and carcinogenic human toxicity. For all cases, the flow with the greatest impact was that of rice in its agricultural stage, it was also evidenced that the proposed alternatives have a significant beneficial impact on the consumption of resources, global warming, terrestrial ecotoxicity and water consumption.
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