diagnosis; intellectual disability; special education; memory; long-term memory.Abstract
Introduction: Memory is a mechanism that affects the quality of learning. Schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities often show difficulty in long-term memory and other cognitive processes, which has a negative impact on learning for an independent adult life.
Objective: To disseminate, among researchers and teachers, the diagnosis of long-term memory in schoolchildren with mild intellectual disabilities who attend the third grade at Protesta de Jarao School.
Methods: Analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, historical-logical methods, document analysis, class observation, psychological tests and descriptive statistics were applied.
Results: The diagnosis confirmed difficulties in the retention volume; predominance of image memory; poor speed, solidity, precision and willingness to remember; limitation in fixing the memory trace, making it difficult to preserve and then reproduce the information with a long-term decline.
Conclusions: Long-term memory allows the encoding, organization, storage and retrieval of information for unlimited time. It maintains close relationships with the rest of the cognitive functions and processes, especially with attention and thought. Its diagnosis allows adjusting the pedagogical response to the learning needs of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities.
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