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Didactic orientation in the teaching-learning process of textual construction



didactic orientation; pre-university education; textual construction; teaching-learning process


Introduction: didactic orientation is currently very relevant; however, didactically, there are still deficiencies in its articulation with the sub-processes in the stages of textual construction, in which higher levels of assistance are needed for the execution of the construction task.

Objective: to offer a didactic orientation proposal for the teaching-learning process of textual construction.

Methods: methods such as historical-logical, analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive were used, which allowed synthesizing the most relevant sources of the researched topic.

Result: a didactic, instructive, heuristic, transforming and rooted orientation of the teacher in his pedagogical role as mediator, based on aids and bidirectional dialogue, which benefits, helps and satisfies the cognitive needs of the students, is provided.

Conclusion: it is demonstrated that the proposal represents a didactic path, which contributes to the students' leading role in the teaching-learning process of textual construction.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Moreira-Carbonell, Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba.

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas,  Profesor del Departamento Español-Literatura.

Yamilé Garcia-Bonnane, Universidad Guantánamo, Cuba.

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas, Profesora del Departamento Español-Literatura.

Adalis Olivares-Hernández, IPU “Adolfo Flor Crombet Tejera”de Guantánamo, Cuba.

Profesora del Departamento  de Español-Literatura.


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Moreira, C., Roméu, A. y Domínguez, I. (2012). Estrategia didáctica para el desarrollo de la competencia cognitiva, comunicativa y sociocultural en la formación inicial del Licenciado en Educación: Instructor de arte. La Habana, Cuba: Editorial Universitaria.

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2022-07-13 — Updated on 2023-06-28


How to Cite

Moreira-Carbonell, C., Garcia-Bonnane, Y., & Olivares-Hernández, A. . (2023). Didactic orientation in the teaching-learning process of textual construction. Pedagogía Y Sociedad, 25(64), 185–209. Retrieved from (Original work published July 13, 2022)