Environmental education: teaching tasks to address this topic from the subject of Chemistry to Explain Life
environmental education; environment; teaching taskAbstract
Introduction: Environmental protection embodies all those behaviors that living beings must adopt in favor of the preservation of nature. Therefore, the daily recovery of the vital health of the environment is fundamental to achieve this purpose.
Objective: to demonstrate the effectiveness of teaching tasks for the addressing of environmental education from the subject of Chemistry to Explain Life, in students of the Bachelor's degree in Chemistry-Biology.
Methods: certain theoretical and empirical methods (statistics and documentary review) were used.
Result: the teaching tasks allowed to give didactic treatment to the care and protection of the environment in the development of the syllabus of this subject.
Conclusions: the proposed teaching tasks fulfill their educational value, enhance the student's valuation and his/her active role in the transformation of reality. The assignment of each task, with the goal of an affective and assertive communication of the contents of the subject "Chemistry to Explain Life" facilitates the student's understanding, the teacher's educational work and stimulates the environmental protection from an aesthetic point of view.
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