Approach to the process of intercommunication in Spanish-speaking migrants in Brazil
Introduction: The article addresses the polysemic phenomenon of migration, focusing on Spanish-speaking migrants in Brazil and emphasizing intercommunication as a key element in linguistic adaptation. The significance of language in destination selection, particularly in the context of the Venezuelan exodus, is highlighted.
Objective: The study aims to approach the understanding of linguistic skills in intercommunicative contexts for Venezuelan immigrants in Brazil.
Methods: Both quantitative and qualitative approaches are employed, with a focus on the influence of courtesy in discourse. A correlational descriptive design is used, with a sample of 20 Venezuelan citizens residing in Brazil. Quantitative tests are applied to measure linguistic skills, and non-structured interviews are conducted for qualitative discourse analysis, emphasizing courtesy theory.
Results: Quantitative analysis reveals that participants tend to express themselves in Portuguese with occasional use of Spanish. Partial understanding of oral Portuguese is evident. Weaknesses in reading and writing skills are observed, possibly related to perceived lack of motivation.
Conclusion: The findings underline the importance of the positive culture and attitude of Brazilians, the overcoming of language barriers through attitude, and the relevance of politeness theory in effective communication. The value of empathy, mutual respect and linguistic adaptation in successful intercommunication is highlighted. Understanding cultural differences and politeness norms is essential to avoid misunderstandings.
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