La danza isleña de pozas, patrón para el desarrollo de la identidad cultural cubana/the island dance of pozas, pattern for the development of the cuban cultural identity


  • Felicia Vilma Estepa Valdivia Casa de la Cultura Municipal. Cabaiguán, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba.
  • Elena Sobrino Pontigo Universidad de Sancti Spíritus “José Martí Pérez”, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba.


education and cultivates, identity cultural, cultural inmaterial patrimony


They sum up the cultural identity contitutes an element of unit in a social group, permits that the individuals asume as from you the cultural identity it beens place under a thematic object of study of diverse discipline for the value that is has in the contemporary context characterized for a globalisation that misfires the autentic cultura of the nations.

The objetive of the present article is to expose the result of a scientific systematizacion about the identitario debelopment of the cabaiguanense location of puddles that it and makes up a role for a cultural heritage of Canary Islands. The aplied methods were theoretical:

the Hitorical – logical,  the modelling hugs the coast interviews of life. The obtained  results base on the characterization of the characterization of the developdment ofthe cultural the investigative experience is  prtinent and has possibilites to apply in other local contexts where exist culturalmanifestations they constitute expressios of  cultural identity.

Keywords: education  and cultivates;  identity cultural;  cultural inmaterial patrimony.


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Author Biographies

Felicia Vilma Estepa Valdivia, Casa de la Cultura Municipal. Cabaiguán, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba.

Licenciada en Educación. Instructor de Arte. Metodóloga de Cultura Popular y Tradicional e Investigación.

Elena Sobrino Pontigo, Universidad de Sancti Spíritus “José Martí Pérez”, Sancti Spíritus, Cuba.

Licenciada en Español Literatura. Doctor en Ciencias, Profesor Titular. Facultad de Humanidades. 


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2023-01-18 — Updated on 2023-12-18


How to Cite

Estepa Valdivia, F. V. ., & Sobrino Pontigo, E. (2023). La danza isleña de pozas, patrón para el desarrollo de la identidad cultural cubana/the island dance of pozas, pattern for the development of the cuban cultural identity. Márgenes, 11(1), 148–162. Retrieved from (Original work published January 18, 2023)



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