La Educación Física Adaptada para el desarrollo humano desde la sistematización de saberes acumulados/Physical Education Adapted for human development from the systematization of accumulated knowledge
desarrollo humano; educación especial; educación física; educación inclusivaAbstract
The presentation entitled “Physical Education Adapted for human development base don the systematization of accumulate knowledge”, is made taking as a reference the most relevant exhibitors, ideas and contributions that addres the subject, in order to respond to the scientific result expected for the year 2022 of the Project “Physical Education, Sport and Recreation for the develoment, from the substantive processes of the University of Sancti Spíritus “José Martí Pérez”. Once the study was carried out, it could be concluded that the articulation of the accumulated knowledge on Physical Education Adaptedfor human development allowed, systematizing from the exhibitors, ideas and most relevant contributions, on their concepts, principles, purposes, criteria, premises, values and contexts. In addition, in the exercise of systematization, essential knowledge about Physical Education Adapted for human development has been identified, which generates new knowledge to be conmunicated and shared with other people and organizations.
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