Procedure for the development of innovative capacity in the MSME "Jara", Sancti Spíritus
capacity; human resources; innovationAbstract
Introduction: The growing development of the new forms of management implemented in Cuba with the objective of achieving the improvement of the economic and social model, has encouraged the application of science and innovation to the solution of problems and with it, the need to develop the innovative capacity of the main resource that organizations have: human resources.
Objective: To propose a procedure that contributes to the development of the innovative capacity of the human resources of the MSME “Jara”, in the municipality of Yaguajay, in the province of Sancti Spíritus.
Methods: A combined or “mixed” approach was assumed, which implies, from the problem statement, mixing inductive and deductive logic. Direct observation and the survey stand out among the methods, techniques and tools that made it possible to determine the main causes affecting the development of the innovative capacity of the human resources of the MSME “Jara”.
Results: With the application of the eleven training actions, a significant improvement in the operation of the MSME was observed, since both partners and workers have a more accurate diagnosis of the organization, which allows them to achieve greater articulation and alignment of the actions to be developed with the strategic objectives they pursue.
Conclusions: The implementation of the proposed procedure showed favorable results, providing a solution to several of the weaknesses identified in the diagnosis, and corroborated the hypothesis regarding its application to other contexts and forms of management with similar characteristics.
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