Exercise proposed by the students: a didactic experience for the development of creativity
creativity; didactics; didactics; chemistry; organic chemistry; organic chemistryAbstract
Introduction: Creative thinking in chemistry teaching could promote students' interest and improve their motivation. It gives students the opportunity to practice their own creative thinking.
Objective: This paper addresses the application of a didactic strategy to stimulate creativity in the Organic Chemistry II subject through integrating exercises elaborated by the students of the specialty of Radiochemistry.
Methods: bibliographic review, independent work and systematization of theory were used.
Results: During the five years, the experiences aimed at stimulating creativity in the teaching of Organic Chemistry had satisfactory results. The students were right to prepare their exercise as a contribution to their educational training.
Conclusions: Through the strategy applied in this paper, it was possible to stimulate creativity in the Organic Chemistry II subject through integrative exercises prepared by the students of the Radiochemistry specialty.
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